Crypto Village Newsletter #12 - 4/15
Welcome back to our News Letter!
Huge thanks to all the new subscribers! This is produced by Crypto Village and we’re writing this newsletter with the latest news of the Nishikigoi NFT project and Japanese local NFT projects and more.
The News of the Week:
The New Era of Tourism: From Consuming Tourism to Co-creating Hometown
Digital Villagers × Sotokoto
Yamakoshi’s Bull Fighting Opens Soon
■ The New Era of Tourism: From Consuming Tourism to Co-creating Hometown
We have just released a new blog introducing Tenryukyo, the next candidate for the next Local DAO after Yamakoshi. The article, written by the Tenryu Gorge team, describes the thoughts behind the region's survival and a new form of tourism. We hope that this will be one of the guides for the community vote that will follow. Please have a read.
The New Era of Tourism: From Consuming Tourism to Co-creating Hometown
■ Digital Villagers × Sotokoto
A magazine called Sotokoto has featured Digital Villagers & Yamakoshi's activities. Sotokoto is an SDGs magazine for creating the future with the theme of "Society and the Environment Better and More Interesting" It has been published since June 1999. Sotokoto is a magazine for those who are interested in social and environmental issues, those who want to try something new, and those who are interested in regional revitalization.
■ Yamakoshi’s Bull Fighting Opens Soon
As the bullfighting season will open up soon, the pre-event will be held at the Yamakoshi Bullring on Monday, April 29 (national holiday). It’s a rare opportunity to see the powerful bullfights up close and personal. For those of you who have never heard, Yamakoshi is the birthplace of Nishikigoi, but bull fighting is also equally famous and popular.
The Yamakoshi bullfighting is a traditional event with a history of more than 300 years, and is nationally designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset. In the Yamakoshi bullfight, two bulls compete for strength and skill by clashing their horns on the ring. The cows are raised very carefully, and when they enter the bullfighting arena, they bare their fighting instincts and clash with each other. The powerful scene is quite thrilling for the audience.
One of the interesting things about the bull fight is every game has to be a draw. That’s for the bulls not getting hurt. The winner is determined by which bull gets out of the ring or which bull kneels in the ring first.
National bullfighting summit is also coming up!
We’re sending out our newsletters twice a month with the contents of:
Yamakoshi/Nishikigoi NFT Latest News
Japanese Local News
Japan / Global Local Crypto News
Event Info including IRL
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